Our Products:
Fuel Control (Truck Stop)

Customer-specific pricing and control.

Easily set up and manage individual pricing and credit limits for customers.

Everything great about Fuel Control (Truck Stop)

  • Individual customer fuel prices

    Every customer has their own individual price per litre. Customer vehicles can be set up in the database and whenever a vehicle come to shop the vehicle is linked to the correct account (price per litre).

  • Keep track of credit limits

    Built in accounting function with credit limit. This is done on LegendMobile devices and reporting can be done via mobile phone or windows desktop app.

  • Legendary Reliability

    It’s been tried and tested for many years in the market, with next to no downtime, ensuring you do not lose sales and ultimately money.

Fuel Control (Truck Stop) can be integrated into most back office programs. Talk to us to find out more.

Fuel Control (Truck Stop) is also part of these packages:


Take your business to the next level.


A complete enterprise solution, now in development.

Showing you how great Legend is, is much better than just telling you…

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